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The Fizz Soda Ginger Root
Drinks - Soda
We’ve combined classic with cutting edge in this traditionally-brewed, sweet-and-spicy ginger beer. Featuring 10mg of premium THC and a unique recipe containing ginger, cane sugar, pineapple, quillaja, and lime juice, the Ginger Root Fizz is the ultimate companion for any leisure activity -- whether you’re lounging on a hot day or enjoying a quiet evening with company. Manzanita Naturals infused sparkling waters are crafted with premium THC and some seriously delicious natural flavors. Pop open a can and savor the exhilarating aromas, light, bubbly texture, and subtle, delightful flavors. And do it all without a single calorie. No wonder people say it’s the ultimate cure for cottonmouth. Zero calories, zero carbs, zero sugar, and zero preservatives.
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