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LOWELL Original Gorilla
Pre-Roll - Hybrid
Aroma: A grounded, earthy and pungent nose with notes of pine and fuel. Flavor: Just like its smell, the taste of Original Gorilla punches the palate with a strong earthy and pine flavor and a lingering diesel aftertaste. Experience: Original Gorilla incites the quintessential giggles, the experience with cannabis that many search for. The cerebral effects are euphoric and happy, accompanied by a strong body high, which induces heavy relaxation. Don’t be surprised if you end up ‘glued to the couch’ when all is said and done. This strain is perfect to end your night Saturday night or finish that series you have been binging. Terpenes: Beta-Caryophyllene, Limonene, Humulene Genetics: Chem's Sister x Sour Dubb x Chocolate Diesel
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