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LOWELL OG Blueberry Creme
Pre-Roll - Indica
Aroma: Breaking open the buds of OG Blueberry Creme unlocks the strong blueberry tones that are hiding within the creamy first scents. Flavor: Reminiscent of a fresh batch of blueberry muffins, with notes of cake batter and vanilla. OGBC’s profile resembles that of a syrup-covered pancake, just waiting for you to dig in and enjoy. Experience: With Myrcene on the forefront, this strain will waste no time enveloping you in a warm, soft blanket of sedation. Whether you’re looking to snuggle up and watch a movie or drop into a restorative yoga practice, you’ll be delighted with this deeper indica. Terpenes: Myrcene, Alpha Pinene, Beta Pinene Genetics: OG Blueberry x Cookies & Cream
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