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Gelato Grand Daddy Purp
Vape - Distillate
Granddaddy Purple is an indica marijuana strain that goes by many different names, including "Grand Daddy Purp," Popularized in 2003 by Ken Estes, Granddaddy Purple (or GDP) is a famous indica cross of Mendo Purps, Skunk, and Afghanistan. GDP flowers bloom in shades of deep purple, a contrasting backdrop for its snow-like dusting of white crystal resin. Its potent effects are clearly detectable in both mind and body, delivering a fusion of cerebral euphoria and physical relaxation. While your thoughts may float in a dreamy buzz, your body is more likely to find itself fixed in one spot for the duration of GDP’s effects. Granddaddy Purple is typically pulled off the shelf for consumers looking to combat pain, stress, insomnia, appetite loss, and muscle spasms.
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