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About Rose Mary Jane’s Consumption Bar

Open Everyday 1pm - 9PM

Happy Hour Monday - Friday, 5pm - 7pm

Rose Mary Jane is proud to offer a state and locally licensed cannabis consumption space for adults in the community to utilize. Only cannabis edibles and beverages are allowed to be consumed on our premises. We see the creation of safe, regulated cannabis consumption spaces as a social justice issue. Based on the way the state law is written, unless an adult use consumer owns their own home, there is really no legal, safe space for them to consume cannabis. If you are a renter, it is up to your landlord’s discretion. If you reside in federally subsidized housing, consuming cannabis on the premises is altogether banned because cannabis is still federally illegal. Cannabis consumption is also not allowed where alcohol is served. Thus, we see it as part of our holistic mission to provide a safe and inclusive environment for adults to responsibly consume cannabis beverages or edibles.


Safe Consumption Education

We prioritize the safety of our customers, employees and our community members. As such, we care deeply about educating our customers about the dangers of consuming cannabis while driving, and we strive to educate our customers about how to safely consume cannabis.

In alignment with the CA State Department of Cannabis Control’s consumer safety campaign (https://cannabis.ca.gov/consumers/responsible-cannabis-use/) we encourage our customers to practice the following principles:

How to use cannabis safely

Your reaction to cannabis may be different than other people, depending on:

  • Which method you use
  • How much THC you consume
  • Your gender
  • Your previous experience with cannabis or other drugs

Do not get behind the wheel

Driving immediately after using cannabis may increase your risk of getting into an accident by 25 to 35 percent. The THC in cannabis may affect your:

  • Coordination
  • Reaction time
  • Ability to pay attention
  • Decision-making abilities
  • Ability to judge distances

Safe Transportation

Driving under the influence of cannabis is illegal. Drug-impaired driving has the same penalties as alcohol-impaired driving.

For your safety, we strongly encourage consumption customers to arrive via public transportation, rideshare (Lyft, Uber, etc), taxi, or having a sober designated driver.

For sober designated drivers, the parking options near our location are:

  • Metered street parking around the facility
  • 4 parking garages near our store as indicated by the Google Maps picture below

Have a noise complaint? Call us at (510) 992-4534

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